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General shot radio club Feb 20205.JPG

Planning events for the coming year

Our February club meeting at the Golden Cock was devoted to planning events for the coming year and seeking suggestions for fresh activations.

Special event station proposals ranged from the Emley Moor Motor and Steam Rally to Kirklees Light Railway, and the 80th anniversary of VE Day.


It was a pleasure to welcome an old friend, John, G6GSV, son of Malcolm, G0ISX, and Caroline, G6ZWQ.
Read more about it on our News Page.

Our radio shack in the field at Farnley Tyas

We operate special event stations and field days from our shack in Farnley Tyas, Huddersfield at 1,000ft asl.

Training courses to get you on the air

Amateur radio allows you to contact other amateurs around the world. If you have an interest in radio or electronics, it’s worth becoming an amateur to learn more about technology and radio.​ It's a great hobby, with equal appeal to the young and old.

Millions worldwide operate stations from homes, cars or ships. National, political, ethnic and gender barriers don't exist as we promote international friendship.

Denby Dale Amateur Radio Club has been welcoming radio amateurs for 50 years and offers training courses to get you on the air quickly.​ Here's a video from the Radio Society of Great Britain about our hobby. And here are more details about how to make the first step along the road.

Jean and a group of amateurs.

From left at Flamborough: Jean, G0LPV, with Pam and Vickie – who are working towards their licences – and Jean’s grand daughter, Emily, who has learnt the phonetic alphabet and letters in morse.

The  Radio Society of Great Britain logo

From castles to canals - some of our activities

Apart from meetings in Farnley Tyas, members like to get out and about to introduce amateur radio and its benefits to people of all ages.

We have set up transmitting stations in all sorts of places, from a mining museum to castles, mills, lighthouses, hilltops, churches and Scout camps.

Running an amateur radio station for cub scouts
Anniversary dinner pic2.jpg

How to join our club

We're a friendly, inclusive radio club, holding regular meetings on and off the air. We used to meet in Denby Dale, but our base is now in Farnley Tyas, a small village near Huddersfield.

Meetings take place in a first-floor room at the Golden Cock pub and our shack lies a short distance away down Field Lane.​ Joining is easy: Click the button below, fill in the form and send it. Subs are £20 a year.

Picture: Members celebrating the club's 50th anniversary in September 2024.


A quick guide to events. For more details, visit our events page.


Denby Dale Amateur Radio Club was founded 50 years ago. We run a daily net from 9.30am on 145.575 MHz. Our Sunday net is at 10.30am on repeater GB3HD, 433.225MHz. We compete in contests, arrange special events and can offer help with training for the amateur radio licence. Our shack is at Field Lane, Farnley Tyas, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD4 6BS.

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