Agenda for the Club's Annual General Meeting

Date: Wednesday, October 16, 7.30pm | Venue: Golden Cock, Farnley Tyas
As defined by Constitution of DDARS, one third of the membership is required at the start of the meeting.
(i) Apologies for absence RG
(ii) Minutes of the previous AGM RG
(iii) Chair’s report RG
(iv) Secretary’s report RG
(v) Treasurer’s report PM
(vi) Election of new Chair
(vii) Election of officers, the new Committee, Honorary Members and President
(viii) Election of auditors
(ix) Membership Fees
(x) Other business - none notified
Please note as agreed in our constitution
Items (i) to (v) shall be chaired by the outgoing Chair, item (vi) by an acting Chair who is not standing for election to office, and the remaining business by the newly elected Chair
(a) Nominations for Committee members will only be valid if confirmed by the nominee at the meeting or previously in writing.
(b) Items to be raised by members under other business must be notified to the Secretary not less than 12 days before the AGM.