A new club shed, surplus equipment and new payment system discussed

By David Simmons, M0RIU, Secretary
The first meeting of your new committee took place on October 24 at The Star Inn, Lockwood. Various reports were presented by the executive officers, some of whom now hold access to the email and paypal accounts on your behalf.
The use of electronic methods to make membership payments was discussed, and it was agreed that a button will be added to the website in due course. This will enable you to make a secure payment direct into the club's bank account.

The poor state of the club shack at Farnley was discussed at length, and it was decided that we should purchase a new one and pay for its installation.
Thanks must go to Richard M0RBG for the work he's put into this project, not only with the landlord, but also with sourcing a new building. Hopefully this building will be funded by a grant, and an application is being made for us. Fingers crossed.
There will be a special event station for Remembrance Day – GB6RD – on November 11 at the club shack. It will be operational from 0930-1600, and all are welcome to attend. If you can't make it, look out for us on the air.
The club has a significant amount of surplus equipment, including towers and antennas stored in Honley. It was decided that this equipment should be offered to members for donations. The remainder will then be sold for scrap. A date for this sale will be published soon.
It was also decided to place another order for club regalia. If you need or want a new sweatshirt, fleece, polo or gilet then please speak to Jerry (M5JB) to arrange this.
Robert, M0PIE, was co-opted on to the committee as webmaster.
There will be another meeting in late December, so if there is anything you want brought up, then please let a member of the committee know.
Nice to see youngsters are being encouraged by your club.. Too few of them in amaterur radio at the moment. Our future, that's what they are.