Pints, plans and chat at year's first Noggin & Natter

By Richard Blandford, M0RBG
Twenty members enjoyed our first Noggin and Natter night of 2025 on January 15 at the Star Inn, Lockwood. It was a brilliant turn out and our members were soon engaged in small groups discussing lots of topics.

They included plans to fit out our new shed, once the weather improves, and Emley Motor and Steam Transport show in June, when we hope to run a special event station.
Mention was also made of the next meeting at the Golden Cock on February 5, when we will be looking for ideas for special event stations during the coming year.
Dennis G8BZY even brought along some surplus equipment that he was giving away after some spring cleaning in his shack.
We also welcomed some new members and returning members and hope that they enjoyed the camaraderie and will join us again at future meetings and events. Our Noggin and Natter Nights are held at the Star Inn on the third Wednesday of each month. Anyone with an interest in amateur radio is welcome to attend.